General Education Resources
Record Requests:
Template request for legal professionals https://www.mygideon.org/@api/deki/files/91599/02._RIGHT_TEMPLATE_-_Request_for_Student_Records.doc?revision=1
Template release to obtain records for legal professionals https://www.mygideon.org/@api/deki/files/91587/TEMPLATE_-_HIPAA_Release.docx?revision=2
Language Access:
Language Access Law Chart for Legal Professionals- We created this and reviewed 2x but not distributed. It is uploaded.
OCR Fact Sheet https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/ellresources.html
General Bullying:
I thought we had more on Bullying but could not find it in the shared drive (maybe I am searching too narrowly on training folders) nor on google drive
Bullying Guide - designed for completing a PRS complaint but is also very helpful in laying out the laws: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/597e6caee4fcb5137f981591/t/5f8df744b0c37e61c4b417eb/1603139396995/Bullying.pdf
Graduation and Drop Out:
Adult Education Program Directory https://www.doe.mass.edu/acls/directory.html
Transportation Issues:
Created for PRS project: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HZyFJy1EBqlcTadb8NvwatwTqmdSfIKiuMr5rX_8WiY/edit?usp=sharing
Parent Support:
(From our webpages on COVID)
Parents Helping Parents - Online parent support groups
Parents Helping Parents Parental Stress Helpline - 800-632-8188